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Holidays and vacation

on 14 November, 2014

On Saturdays, Sundays and during official holidays, most banks and other institutions are closed. But the big supermarkets and large department stores are open.

Day of resumption of the Independent Czech State (Jan. 1): Held on the day of the founding of the independent Czech Republic, restored after the division of Czechoslovakia on January 1, 1993.
Liberation Day (May 8): The day recalls the liberation of Czechoslovakia by the allied armies in May 1945.

Day of Slavic apostles, St. Cyril and St. Methodius (July 5): The personalities of Christian evangelizers of St. Cyril and St. Methodius have to do with the institution of the Christian religion in the Czech lands, and the first Slavic alphabet, called Cyrillic (AD 863).

Day of the death of Master Jan Hus (July 6): On this day (July 6, 1415) was performed the sentence of the Inquisition on the reformist religious leader and rector of Charles University, Jan Hus.

Czech State Day (September 28th) day of the death of Prince Wenceslas, who died on 28 September 935, and was sanctified a few years after his death. He is the national saint, symbol of the Czech state and of Czech independent identity.

Day of the founding of independent Czechoslovak State (October 28): Day of foundation of common independent state of Czechs and Slovaks in October 1918 - the most important Czech holiday although this state does not exist any more.

Day of struggle for freedom and democracy (November 17): The day is celebrated in memory of the struggle of students in 1939 and 1989, against the oppression of fascist and later communist regimes.

Other Holidays

• New Year (January 1)
• Easter (March-April, movable feast)
• Labour Day (May 1)
• Christmas Day (December 24)
• 1st Christmas holiday (December 25)
• 2nd Christmas holiday (December 26)


Public holidays:

January 1: New Year's Day
Movable Feast: Easter Monday
1st of May: Labour Day
May 8: Day of Liberation from Fascism
July 5: Remembrance of the Slavic missionaries St. Cyril and St. Methodius
July 6: Day of Death of John Hus
September 28: Saint Wenceslas Day
October 28: Republic Foundation Day (Czechoslovakia)
November 17th: Day of Students' Fight for Freedom and Democracy
24, 25, 26 December: Christmas